The fastest cube pack! Go to the next level with the NexCube competition pack. With this pack of two NexCube 3x3 cubes and timer you will be the fastest. Includes APP to play against your friends or beat your own challenge.
Qiyi brings us this Pack so original, to train your mind at a very affordable price. Learn how to make a Skew, Pyraminsx, 12x12 and Ivy Very good turn and cut corners, ideal to start in the world of cubes.
Qiyi Stickerless brings us these original packs, to train your mind at a very affordable price. Learn to make a Skew, Pyraminx,12x12 ,Ivy and Mastermorphix Very good turning and cutting corners, ideal for beginners in the world of cubes.
Qiyi Pack Initiation Speed Cubing, a fantastic pack of 4 cubes stickerless base to start the world of rubik cubes.
YJ TianYuan Pack, all models of TianYuan O2 cubes in one pack. Little by little you will be able to increase the difficulty with these 3 models.