
In you can choose several forms of payment depending on which suits you better:

Credit card

Secure SSL credit card payment with our REDSYS gateway. Once registered, added items to your cart click on "Card Payment (secure connection with REDSYS)".

You can pay with any VISA, MASTERCARD or any other credit card besides the proceeding Bank.

Bank transfer

The bank transfer must be made in favor of within a 3 working days maximum from the day the order was made (if we do not receive the transfer confirmation after this period, automatically the order is cancelled).

La Caixa Account Number for the bank transfer is  IBAN ES87 2100 2451 5801 0048 8033

Indicate your order number in the "concept" of the bank transfer.

The order will not be considered effective until the transfer is received in our bank account. After that, you will receive an email with the confirmation of the payment and we will proceed to the shipping of the order.


You can select the payment by Paypal Gateway as one of the favourite payment option for most of customers. You can make your purchase through your e-mail address on paypal linked to your bank account or credit card.

Cash on delivery (only available for Spain)

If you select this payment option, the total order amount will be charged by the postman once delivered to you the order in your delivery address.

Important: the minimum purchase amount for this payment method is 10€ and the maximum is 200€, orders that do not comply with these conditions will be cancelled by our Sales Department except by specific agreement with the buyer. The reason for the limit from 10€ is because the delivery is made by ordinary mail and there is not possibility to refund the cash on delivery, and the limit up to 200€ is for internal security. If you want to order more than 200€ with the payment option of cash on delivery, please contact us and we will check your case.

Cash on delivery shipping charges are added to all purchases, including the ones with free delivery.